Thursday, April 05, 2007

Reflection of a great experience

Well when Mr.Hide at first told me about this Project let me tell you that I was not that exited, because I dirren´t know what was really going on. Then when we started the project, as the time passed the project became more and more interesting. And for me it was great because before doing this project I saw a documentary about global warming, and I had very clear the theam of what is global warming which was my topic.with that documentary I knew plenty of things of my topic, although I also needed to find more information that I had no idea about. I also liked to work with a man like Al ore because I think that he has many thigs of his life that I whant to explore, becasue they seem to be very interesting. In the future I hope that another English teacher does another project like these because I really was a great experience for me and I think that for most of us also.

With my project I discovered things that I never though that they would exist. For example the tenn call, it was an incredible experience that we could talk wih those kids. I also finded many things bad about the world that we can prevent if we whant to. Well i really hope that next year there could be a teacher that repeats this project, I really liked it and it was a great experience.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Al Gore

Al Gore is a man that was vice president os the United States when Bill Clinton was president. I founded an article in Google where they talk about the documentary An Inconvinient Truth that was a documentary made to defeat the big issue that is very dangerous for us, the Global Warming.
Well this film brings up the argument in wich Al Gore said that we can no longer keep living like this. Why? Well because this issue if we don´t do something fast the world is going to end very soon, I mean like in years. But thete are still people that really don´t know what is global warming, is it when carbon dioxide and other gases are working to warm the surface or hte Earth by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere, and this is good because it keeps our planet in a normal temperature. Well but then bye burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and others the clearing forest have been increasing more and more the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere and that way the temperatures are increasing. Scientis because of this are already having evidence for this, for example that the number of category 4 and 5 hurracanes have almost duble in the last 30 years or the flow form ice glaciers in greenland that has more that duble over the past decade or even our animals have been affected, because at least 279 species of plants and animals have already respond to global warming and are moving closer to the poles.

Well and we are all thinking about now but in the future big things can happend, such as the death because of global warming will duble in just 25 years to 300,000 people every year. We can also espect that the droughts and wildfires will increase and occur most often, also the Artic Ocean could be ice free in summer by the 2050! And also more that a million species worldwide could be driven to extiction by also the 2050, well these are only somethings that we can expect but there is more. But there is no dought that we can solve this problem, in fact we need to do it. How I have said before only a little change in our dailly life can make a big change in out hole world. And as Al Gore sais the time to come together to prevent this issue is NOW!

Well I really think that these topic is really interesting and more if we are talking about Al Gore, a great man. I an going to tell you something that I have been telling you for all the last posts, this is that global warming really does have a solution and if we don´t start righ now that solution is going to become more and more difficult for us. But there are also people that are really not thinking about the future and we really need to start thinking about it. There are also people that think that this is not true and it is not going to do something bad for us, and they have no idea about it really.

Well i think that for the next post I should also find out about the couses that we migh see because of global warming in the future. And talk aslo about the documentary and Al Gore, and take a look to those people that think that this is a joke.. and why do they think that?

Friday, February 23, 2007

Global warming..

Well for this time I am going to tell you something really interesting that I founded in the BBC news, it is al about climate change. In this article they say that the climate in our Earth is always changing. The greenhouse effect is also very important for all these climate changes, why? Well because when we talk about cliamte we talk about all the gases which keep us (Earth) warm, it is the greenhouse gases wich are releasing stoger threat. People, scientist over the world but mostly in the UK are searching for evidence for the climate change, they are having many sources such computers, wich help them in their work.

Water is very importnat and an big consideration, you can se when the water level increases and decreases. Does this mena that we could be in danger?, maybe the water like this could cause flooding. There is as good climate changes as bad ones, we just need to worth considering those too. We need to start thinking about how we need to get use to all these climate changes. From now and on we need to strat looking for reasources for energy such ad solar power, wind power, geothermal, water power and even nuclear energy. There are many more solutions, there are many things we can individually do at home. There are many parts in our world that think that we can really do something fot global warming such as Kyoto andmany more.

I think, as I have tell you before, if each one of us make somehting for our world we can really make this work. Thigs like the ones we talked before like taking power form different reasouces that are not distroying out world. That is relaly helpfull for us. Somepoeple are doing some reaserch for some solutions that we can also use, I really apreciate that for thosepeople, and hope that other people too. This are things that not all the pople care about, but they should, Why? Well because this is going to be the same world that their kids and the kids of their kids are going to live in, and it is really not cool, thinking that my kids will live in a world that is full of damage and theyc ould die at every time. So I think that people should really start thinking about their future and the future of their future family. This damage in our wolrd is a damage that can de reduce but is would not be easy, and worst if there are still people that think taht this is a joke and they are not doing nothing for it. People should star to think abour rality, because if they don´t something really bad is going to happen.

Well for the next post I think I will be talking about Al Gore, I think he is a really good and intelligent man, and we all have somehting really interesting to learn about him. I hope people really apreciate this man becuase it is one of hte few people tahta re rally caring about our world. So I think that this man has many things for us and many things we can learn. See you next time.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Me aNd My FriEnds!

Well, let me tell you that I have many friends, and Best Friends too! Well my friends are Isa M, Isa G, Ana Caro, Valeria, Valentina, Suad, Mariana, Lichi, Cata, Naty H and Vito M. They are all really good friends, you can look for their blogs in Mr. Hide´s blog, They are all really cool and funny! I hope we stay together a long time!

How can we prevent Global Warming??

Well for this time I decided to write about something’s that could be a solution for global warming. Yesterday, I founded an article in The State Journal, that says that coal may be a solution for global warming. Jay Rockefeller says that he really think that West Virginias could do something for it. He says that Coal produces 50 percent of the nation's electricity, and as The State Journal pointed out last week, "20 percent of West Virginia's budget is tied to the coal industry; and, one out of eight jobs is directly or indirectly tied to the industry." That way they created the Clean Coal, and this could really be helping to prevent. An other really interesting page is one on BBC news were they say that the climate change requires politics and technology as well each one of us can start doing something for it. For the new technology they are creating power cars, thinking about preventing the fossil fuels burn in the cars. Cars can also be powered by hydrogen fuel cell technology. A hydrogen fuel cell emits no carbon dioxide. An other way to prevent fossil fuel is by nuclear power. Almost 80% of France’s electricity comes from nuclear plants. The industry is still young. If the technology can be streamlined and the other issues resolved then the viability of bio-fuels could increase. Since Carbon Dioxide is really affecitng our world they are making plans such as Carbon trading that is a scheme in which polluting businesses can buy and sell permits to emit carbon dioxide. An other scheme is the Carbon offsetting tahat has recently taken-off as a way for individuals an businesses to become 'carbon neutral’. This means that there could really be a solution fot this.

I really think that this are very helpfull solutions, but really we need to have more reasourses that way the probabilities of preventiong global warming will be alot bigger. Its really good to know that there are people that really care about our world adn are really doing something for it. This are schemes with really good prespectives, and people are really thinking about this and looking for more solutions. For me I thinck that there should be more individual work, because like this only like big factories adn countries can do something fot ir and I think that it should be something that everyone needs to put a little bit of effort fot their planet.

I know that there is much more that I can look for, for this project. There is to much to find out, but the next thing I am going to look for is that if there is an other solution of this but maybe it can not be done, but why? And what are the mayor causes of this problem that could be distroyed. There are also many kids with alot of inyuries that are caused by the climate change, we can also find a solution for that. This is really an interestig project and i hope that all this reasourse in Mr.Hide´s blog help me to find the information that I really need.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Global Warming..

well my topic for TLP was chosen because many reasons. In the BBC news and Google news there is plenty of information. Al gore the vice president, is really into the global warming. Al gore`s documentary "An Inconvinient Truth" has scared many people. This global warming has made people made experiments for the future, the result of the experiments really refere to the UK, they said that in the 2080 there was going to be a temperature of 4c°. This is really woring people. Al gore and China are working togethere to defeat this global warming, this is what he said last Wednesday in his conferece, "we can make this work, but we need to act quickly".They say that this global warming is also affecting more than us, but the real thing is that we all can do better things to inprove this problem. We have the ability to do it.

I really think that these problem, yes, it is really woring people but still many people are not doing anything to prevent this. If each person did a simple thing just as stop smoking or something it is not all of the solution, but still it works. In the US they have started, they have stoped selling spays that are bad for out atmosphere, because all of that is causing all this climate change. An other things that are not really helping are the factories, why? because all the smoke is going to the atmosphere and that is making it smaller and smaller everytime.I really admire Al Gore because he is the one that is making us see the real truth. When I say the documentary yes is was really scaring, but still if we don`t do something we may really be in a really bad way to the future. We can also use things like technology and more things to help. Why technology? Because the cars also produce polution, and now they are creaing new cars with energy so that we don produce to much polution, that is bad for our selves. I really think that China has nothing to say that the Americas are the one creating gllbal warming, because they are really in to that too. It is really unjust.

Well I thinck that this is not enough information for my project, I need to keep reading on what the people are doing to try to prevent this. If I could do something I will, but is that I am only 1 person in too many people and thats no way I can do much. I thinck that my project needs to lead to something more interesting, something that really makes people thinck about whats really happening to us, maybe they don´t care because they are not going to be alive, but theit grandsons maybe. This is not enough for all the people to start to beleve, the mayor part think this is just something stupid, but they really need to care because it is not going to be bad for them, but for all of us. I hope ypu keep thinking about this and start telling people.

Friday, February 02, 2007

PovErty In Our PlaCe..

Well here in Cartagena we do have many poor people. Where we live is a neighborhood that you are not going to find poverty. Derek in Mr. Fisher's class wants to know how big poverty in our place is. Well our place is very poor but in places that are not even near us. Cartagena is very little and if you go very far from your house and you walk with you I pod poor people may take it from you. That’s why sometimes in our place walking alone is very dangerous.

Well also in out school we have campaigns were we collect or money or things that we don’t use and donate them to the poor kinds. In here we have maids, in U.S.A people usually don’t have them but very rich people get nannies for their kids. We also like to help those people because if you see there job is very hard. My things that I don’t really use I give them to my made so she can give it to his son.

Sometimes when I go to Miami and things are things in a very good sale so I bring them here and give them to some poor school. I buy things like, books, colors and so. Maybe when you go out here in the streets you see poor people selling things like, love pups, gums and other delicious candy. Well I hope that when you come to Cartagena we can communicate in a way of msn or something like that and me and my friends can go our with you and show you our city. Maybe there’s poverty here, but really it is a really beautiful city.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Do We Go On Dates? Where?

Well in this post I am going to respond to a question of the TLP where Ashleigh and Amber want to know if we go on dates and if so where do we go. Well let me tell you that yes we do have dates, we may not have them that often because it seems not good but we do. Sometimes we go normally as we go on weekends with our friends. We can go to restaurants to eat, go to the movies or hang out in places like the ones I talked in the phone call such as: el Campito, el Otoyal, club Cartagena and so.

Some dates and almost every date, when they become girlfriends and boyfriends every month they give each other presents. In here in Cartagena there have been many fights just because of girls. Why? Well because lets say there’s a girl and 2 or more boys like her, so then they all try to be with her and start fighting. In here most of the girls date with boys older than them. Sometimes if you are 13 and your boyfriend is 15 you can hang out with him but you can't do the same things he does, just because he is a boy and older so he goes out very longer than you.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

What special places do we go to?

In the TLP wiki, kids from other schools such as Daniel B and Anna want to know what special places we go to have fun with our friends. Well in our place there are not to much places we can go, but although we have many fun in the places that we can go. On Fridays and Sundays that is when we are doing to hang out with our friends; we can go to places like: “El Campito” that is a place where you have a baseball court and a mini soccer court where kids go to play. But at nigh we go to eat pizza in a place near there called "the carriola". The pizzas in there are very good and its also in a very exclusive place because its near a restaurant called "Del Otoyal" where you can eat different kind of foods. Near there its also a club that is "Club Cartagena" where there are tennis courts and restaurant, it also has places for parties and a big pool. This is some places we can hang out with our friends in the nights.

Other places that we can also go are called the "San Martin" that’s a street. In that street you see many tourist hotels and most of the stores. The places we go in there are Mc Donald, Creeps and Waffles and "El Corral". These are all very good food restaurants, 2 of them are fast food and Creeps and waffles is a little more elegant. The most elegant restaurants are located in "The Centro" that is located in the middle of our city.

I really think that in here in our place we have not to many places to go to. Although it is a very beautiful city with very beautiful people for the kids like us, in the nigh we have plans but not enough of them. On the days we can go to our beaches and the pools in the new building that they are building all over the city.

There are also some islands called The Rosario Islands were people can go to swim and have fun. They can also go to the aquarium and have fun watching all the animals and swimming looking nearly to the beautiful corals. For the tourist the city is very fun because they meet new people and discover and other culture. This city has very special hotels like the Hilton hotel or The Americas; these are hotels where you can have all the information of Cartagena and a very hospitality place where you can pass your vacations. Maybe you feel that out place is very different from yours but you need to know that there are totally different cultures. Your place is all the way across is you are in Malaysia, or if you are in Canada, or Us we are more near. I hope that when you come to Cartagena we can see each other because it’s a very beautiful place when is you are a tourist you can have many new things to discover.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Hi my name is Margarita and I am 12 years old but I am going to turn 13 very soon on May 28. Well I really like to better be called Margui because my name is very long! I live in Cartagena, Colombia and I study in the Jorge Washington School, but better called Cojowa that the Co stands forcolejiothat means school in spanish, the Jo that stands for Jorge and Wa that stands for Washington. For English class this time Mr.Hide our teacher gave us a really interesting project that has to do many things about the future. Something that really wories me about the future is the global warming but there are also some other things like smoking and drugs.

This thing of global warming is woring me alot because it really is telling us that in many years the world is going to sink. This is happening all because of us, when we use all thoses sprays and all that polution we create and bad gases we produce are destroying the atmosphere and the ozone layer. This is making the sun hit alot more to the planet Earth and although the layers are bigger and stronger in the poles, the sun´s rays are still hitting earth very quikley.

This is making the poles melt very fast and thats why all the climates are changing and the amount of whater is increasing. I once saw a movie called an inconvinient truth, its were a man thats called Az Gore talks al about that and whats going to be happening in the future if we keep doing what we are doing know. I don´t know if in other continents or country they are doing somethings to prevent this damage. But in the United States they are canceling all the sellings os the sprays in all the stores and people do make it work. But in other countries or cities, the people are not making the rules work, they are destroing the atmosphere and are looking at was happening now but they are not thinking of what may happend in the future to our world if we keep doing what we are doing. Hope you think not only about now but of what can possibly happen in the fututre.

An other thing that is really happening and I am waching many people doing it is smoking. Everytime I pass arund in my city walking I see girls or boys smoking on almost every corner. This is really bad for the world. One beacuse it is one reasong in wich the global warming is increasing. Two is beacuse if every kid from now starts smoking, when they are 40 years old they can die. This is really bad also because many little kids are doing it only because they see the big kids do it and I really thik is not fair.

Maybe people think that alcohol is fine, but not for little kids. Thats an other things thats very bad for us. If we keep being like this the world is going to be full of alcoho and every single kid of 10 years old will whant to drink alcohol. This is something similar to smoking, when little kids go to parties and they see the big ones drinking alcohol they will whant to do it to just so they can be like the big ones. I really think that the people that read this think about what they are doing and what they are going to do in the future, for them and for the world. Thank you.