Thursday, November 02, 2006

Worst day..

I am going to tell you about a day that I had few weeks ago. It was in the month of October, I think I woke up with my left foot because I dirren`t find neather my mom or my maid because my brother was sleeping so I couln have break fast and I needed to wait untill lunch time because they were not there. Then at lunch they did the worst luch I hated that food it was the food that my brother liked.

Later when I was waching a Barcelona`s game, they told me that last Friday Puyol`s dad died so then the team was very sad about that and they were loosing most of their games. That was avery bad news for me and some other people. When it was going to de 4:00 that is the hour when my favorite tv show was coming up, the president started talking so I couln`t wach it neather wach tv because the president was talking in every channel.

When it was time to go out with my friends like at 8:30, we dirren`t now were to go. Then they called me that we were going to goto Mc. Donalds. When I got there anyone was there so I needed to wait like a half hour to the people to come. When they were there I found out that I forgot to ask my mom for money so I couln`t eat because anyone will share me mony. Everyone finished their food and we were board, we dirre`t had nothing to do. I asked my mom that if I could go walking to Club Cartagna and she let me, that was the only good thing that happend to me that day.

When we were on the way, some strage guy got near us and started talking strange the only thing I could do was run to the neares buillding, wich I did. Then of about 10 minnuts of walking we got there, and because the day before it rained all the road was filled with water and I axidently fell in it and everyine laugh at me! It was horrible! Finally my mom came for me and took me to my house then the ligh whent off nad I needed to sleep without air. In conclusion the halloween stories are true because that was a Friday 13 and it was a badluck day!

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